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Adult social care

Adult social care refers to a range of services and support options designed to help adults aged 18 and over who, due to illness, disability, frailty, or mental health needs, require assistance to live their daily lives safely and independently for as long as possible.

Children, families, schools

This section contains information about Plymouth's schools, including tern dates, different types of childcare, Children's Centres and how to claim free childcare. Learn more about adoption and foster care options for providing children in need with a loving family environment plus support for Young Carers and Plymouth's Family Hubs.

SEND Local Offer

The Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years.

Jobs and employment

This section contains information you need to find a job, develop your skills, and advance your career in Plymouth. Enhance your skills, expand your horizons and explore the great opportunities that our city has to offer.

Consumer and legal advice

This section contains information to help support your consumer rights and obtain legal advice if something goes wrong.


This section contains information about relationships, which are an integral part of the human experience, providing companionship, love, and support. However, relationships can also be challenging, and sometimes they may face difficulties.

Staying and feeling safe

This section contains information about staying and feeling safe in Plymouth. Safety is a fundamental need for everyone, no matter where you live or what you do. Feeling safe and secure allows us to enjoy our lives and surroundings without fear.

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