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Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre

The Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre is a community-led, neighbourhood approach to health improvement and provides a range of support services in communities experiencing disadvantage and health inequalities.

Contacts details

Address:The Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre
Scott Business Park
Beacon Park Road
Telephone number: 01752 203670
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Services available at the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre

  • Housing, legal benefits, debt support, and care advocacy
  • Counselling
  • Befriending and other support groups
  • Employment and volunteering
  • Education, training, learning and digital inclusion
  • Healthy lifestyles and health promotion
  • Social and peer support activities
  • Arts, crafts and therapeutic activities
  • Work clubs and IT training
  • Lunch clubs and social activities

Social Prescribing Service Overview

Healthy Futures works with 6 Primary Care Networks in Plymouth, covering 33 GP surgeries.

We work with patients who would like support to access activities and services in the community to improve their health and wellbeing. 

What we offer

  • If a patient would like some support to improve their wellbeing, their surgery can make a referral to Healthy Futures.
  • We will invite the person referred to meet with a Link Worker. They will listen to them, helping to identify what matters to them and what type of support they would like. 
  • The Link Worker will work alongside them to create a plan to help them reach goals and improve their wellbeing. 
  • The Link Worker will support them in accessing local organisations and activities.
  • For more information about what we can help with and how to be referred to the service, please get in touch by phoning us on 01752 203673 or 07305 492193 or emailing

Healthy Living Centre resident organisations

  • Plymouth Information and Advice for Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • Livewell Family Nurses
  • One Stop Advocacy
  • Eat That Frog CIC
  • Healthwatch and Heads Count
  • South West Counselling Training Hub
  • Heartbeat Cardiac rehabilitation Gym (onsite)

Drop in services

  • Livewell One You Clinic - NHS health Check, smoking cessation, healthy eating, 'drinking less and moving more'
  • Disability Employment Advisor - DWP
  • Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) Advisor
  • Compassionate Café - bereavement support/listening service
  • Local Befriending Group
  • Computer Suite / Internet Cafe
  • Crisis Café

Exercise groups

  • Elder Tree Befriending over 50s Active Steps, Pilates and Tai Chi
  • Fitness League
  • Ford Gym Martial arts for youngsters

Support groups

  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Stroke Association
  • PIAS Strengthening Families

How to make a referral

Pop in and speak to any member of the team.

Alternatively, complete our simple referral form, and we'll get in touch. Once we know what help, information, and advice you need, we will connect you with the right people who can support you. 

Make a referral and request support

We're here to help you.

What are Wellbeing Hubs?

Plymouth's Wellbeing Hubs have four main aims

  • To improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for local people
  • To reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing
  • To improve people's experience of care 
  • To improve the sustainability of the health and wellbeing system

What Are Wellbeing Hubs On The POD 600

We also work in partnership with a range of organisations in the city who can provide additional health and wellbeing support

The generic offer of every hub includes health advocacy, debt advice, mental health support, opportunities to volunteer, employment advice, signposting of local and citywide providers of health services. 

The hubs are a key part of the city's One System, One Aim vision which looks to transform care by taking a different approach.

  • From patients to people - the hubs will be designed to engage with people recognising they have strengths and assets and with support can achieve outcomes without being viewed as patients who need things doing to them
  • From care settings to places and communities - the hubs will be a place and community-based offer and will help to develop communities that care
  • From what's the matter with you to what matters to you - the plan is to focus on the assets of individuals and build on that to achieve the things they want to achieve
  • From illness management to wellness support - the focus is on prevention and wellbeing



Part of Plymouth Wellbeing Hub Network



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Based: Plymouth

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

  • Everyone, regardless of age

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